Secured Payment Processors
Social networking platform with amazing features of communication.
Safe and secure data storage over the cloud accessible around the world.
Express yourself with personalized channels and subscribers.
Stay connected with HD audio/video calling along with Screen sharing.
How We Built This Awesome Platform
Entertainment is defined as the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment. When being provided to an audience, entertainment serves as the provision of pleasure and delight. There exist, varied forms of entertainment in today’s world. All of which, are at any time, capturing the attention of varied audiences.
The freedom of ideas, the availability of time and the required state of technology have paved the way for an abundance of ideas for abundant forms entertainment. The widespread availability of technology and Internet has made these forms of entertainment available to a vast number of audiences. The number is so large that it combines all these forms of enjoyment and turns it into a 'beautiful package'. Redeem India- a collection of bright minds specializing in audio and video production, event management and software and application development - has created a platform where this chaos is managed to develop a platform that provides these varying and diverse forms of entertainment at one place. With pleasure, Redeem IndiaEntertainment and Leisure Limited proudly presents EONNET, a platform offering its users an enormous amount of IT services in excitingly convenient packages.
Launched V1
Launched V2
Launched V3
Launched V4
Launched V5
Subscriptions Pricing
- Community Features
- Audio and Video Calling Chat and File Sharing Video Sharing
- Enterprise Features
- 5GB Cloud Storage
- Individual
$0 £01 User
- Community Features
- Audio and Video Calling Chat and File Sharing Video Sharing
- Enterprise Features
- 100GB Cloud Storage
- Individual
$12 1 user / 2 yrs
- Community Features
- Audio and Video Calling Chat and File Sharing Video Sharing
- Enterprise Features
- 300GB Cloud Storage
- Individual
$33 1 user / 2 yrs
- Community Features
- Audio and Video Calling Chat and File Sharing Video Sharing
- Enterprise Features
- 1TB Cloud Storage
- Individual
$120 1 user / 2 yrs
- Community Features
- Audio and Video Calling Chat and File Sharing Video Sharing
- Enterprise Features
- 2TB Cloud Storage
- Individual
$240 1 user / 2 yrs
The Dream Project
" Passion Driven Innovation "
Steve Blackmore
Redeem India - a collection of bright minds specializing in audio and video production, event management and software & application development is committed to develop a platform that provides varying and diverse forms of entertainment along with the essential IT services, at one place.